

Our Services

As a part of our effort to empower people to lead fulfilling and healthy lives, and enjoy the best of interpersonal relationships, we have rolled out a pack of reliable and effective services well rooted in scientific research.

All our program services are friendly, reasonably affordable and of excellent quality. Be assured also, that our services are flexible and can be adapted to suit the identified individualized need of our clients, where all issues are addressed and treated with utmost confidentiality.

Psychological testing & assessments

We provide a wide range of psychological tests and assessments to help individuals, couples and family members to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of their partners, family members’ and also themselves.

Counselling and therapy services

Our team of clinicians offer a range of counselling and therapy services to support individuals, couples and parents facing relationship problems.

These services includes individual, pre-marital, couple, marriage and family counselling that is aimed at building, maintaining and restoring strong, healthy and lasting relationships.

Pre-marital, marriage and parenting courses

We offer premarital and marriage and parenting courses designed to help engaged or married couples build strong foundations for their future together, invest in their relationship, and help parents; single or co-parents enhance their relationship with their child, build a positive family life and support system.

Trainings and Workshops

We provide trainings and workshops targeted at educating, teaching and developing skills necessary for building, managing and maintaining strong, healthy and lasting relationships.

  • Communication and social skills to improve and ensure effective communication amongst individuals, couples, and family members.
  • Preparing for marriage; what you need to know.
  • Maintaining marriage-family-work life balance
  • Problem solving skills to help you identify issues, why they are happening and how to resolve them.
  • Parenting styles and parenting children with special needs

PARFAM Treats and Retreats

PARFAM offers a range of retreat services designed to help couples and families take advantage of uninterrupted time together to refresh, reset, create strong and intimate bonds and be intentional about reconnecting with their spouse and children.

Sex Therapy

We offer counselling and therapy designed to help individuals and couples address medical, psychological, personal or interpersonal factors impacting their sexual life and satisfaction, move past them to have a satisfying relationship and pleasurable sex life.

Divorce, Separation and Co-parenting

Our clinician provide counselling services designed to help individual, couples and families deal with the emotional, mental, physical and financial strain that is experienced at different stages of a divorce; embracing independence, achieve a healthy dissolution of marriage and providing separated or divorced parents with education and skills needed to help raise their children together.

Support groups

PARFAM provides support group programs where groups of individuals who have gone through or are going through similar challenges can talk about their emotions and circumstances with other members without being judged or criticized; learn from them, share ideas, personal experiences and coping strategies.

  • Single parents
  • Separated/Divorced
  • Widowed
  • Parents with special needs children

Coaching & Mentoring

We offer mentoring and coaching services to equip, empower and strengthen relationships amongst individuals, couples, and family members. This is tailored to fit the unique nature and dynamics of each relationship with topics which include:

  • Sex
  • Communication
  • Money Matters
  • Emotional Intimacy
  • Coping with Change
  • Conflict/Crisis Resolution Skills
  • Mental Wellness

PARFAM Playbook

PARFAM provides a broad range of self help tools; Life hack series, podcasts, blog posts, online articles bothering on relationship, marriage, family and parenting. These are specially curated by our clinicians to meet your needs.